martes, 31 de agosto de 2010

Nature vs. Nurture!

            Nature Vs. Nurture is a psychology term related to wether you get your characterisitics from your DNA or your enviornment. It is obvious that you get your physical characterisitcs from your parents, but do you inherit hobbies or attitude or your inteligence from them or do you develop them through the enviornment you have lived in since you were little.
          Francis Galton developed the ide of Nature vs Nurture. Francis was influence by the book "The Origin of species" a book written by his cousin, Charles Darwin. The greatest dowbt about this debate is wether get characterisitcs the minute we are born or wther we develope the majority of the characteristicsbecause of the enviornment whre we live. Some of the main debate that are made because of the topic are if we get our personality from our parents or if it depends on the enviornment we live in. Another one is hobbies, or intelligence.
         This debate is a very extence one and it has been discussed a lot around psychologists, but we will never know which one wins. This is a debate that can have really good satements on both sides but we will never know the answer. I think that we gain qualities through both Nature and Nutrure. If a child is raised in a poor and violent enviornment i think the child will grow up as a violent kid or a depressed boy/girl. But many of our qualities we gain from our parents because if we didnt we wouldnt look like them or we wouldnt be as hardworking as they are.

miércoles, 25 de agosto de 2010

Charles Darwin!

Charles Robert darwin was born on the year of 1809 in Shrewsbury, England. darwin is well known because of his theories of evolution and natural selection. What darwin believed was that every animal and even humans evolve during time in order to survive.
In 1831 darwin set out on an expedition on his HMS Beagle. On his expedition Charles darwin found fossils of extinct animals that looked very similar to animal that lived in his day time. he traveled through many islands all around the pacific ocean and he studied plants and animal and took samples so that he would study them. What he mainly noticed was that the creature he found were similar to other, they simply had minimal differences on each one of the birds or plant's characterisitcs.
     On his journey through studying the animals he came up with the theory of natural selection. Many of the creature he studied, as i told you, had slight differences and he saw that only one type of creature was in each island. Do that he studied the plants and the animals, he could se that many of the animals that werent in one isalnd were on another because of the fact that they had to adapt to their enviornment. Many of the birds had the perfect and exact features or characterisitcs they needed to be able to get the specific foods they needed. What this told Darwin was that nature had its own way of developing, and as nature developed, the animals and creature were forced to change and adapt to their food so that they would be able to survive.
    Charles darwin had developed an incredibly complex theory that took him years and years of work, but there was one big problem that stoped him from publisinh his book and it was Religion. On the times of Charles Darwin many poeple relied only on the Bible and that God created us just the way we are. if darwin were to publish his book he would offend many people, including his wife, and be sevierly attacked. he then came to a conclusion that god created this whole process. The human body and the earth are two things that are really, really complex, so why would God create something so complex so fast? by adding this to his book, people would not feel that offended.
    Charles Darwing was in the verge of finishing his book, when he find out that there is another person at the other side of the world who has developed the same theory, but darwin has more information so that gave him a lot of advantage. darwin submitted the book and was accepted. his theory is one that has made great advances in human history!

lunes, 16 de agosto de 2010

What Psychology Is!

    Psychology is one of the many topics in which students dont know what it means right away. We usually have and idea about what it is, and we understand that it is a study that has to do with the human mind and/or human body. According to Kendra Cherry, psychology is both an applied and academic field that studies the human mind and behavior. Research in psychology seeks to understand and explain thought, emotion and behavior. I think that psychology is a very important topic to see or study in our school years because it is one of the things that we have to learn to see in humans, This topic will give us the opportunity to understand the human body and other "signs" or "functions" we see in our body or minds. This topic will help us have a wider range of knowledge through learning this unit.